“Throw Me a Line”

I will throw you a line

if you ask, beg, and plead


For that one you implore

is not only that which is

you/me/no other – us both!


So I am not helping you

out of lack or distinction or

tacit agreement that somehow

you are flawed or lost


But through earnestness

of that which we are both


And in that way, the very line

that I throw to you

upon finding your way

will simply dissolve in hand


As that hand is found to

no longer belong to any

other than Who You Are

What We Are seamlessly


You have thrown yourself

that very line that somehow

seemed unavoidably to come

from “The Other Not You”


And in that aggrandizing

how strange but true

you have increased your own

stead, but that very place

is none other than the All


Can you not see, but no worries

if the answer is “No” for the no

and the yes co-abide, the yes

seeming to throw its line to the no

and the no seeming to grab ahold


And in their meeting, both certainties

of self limitation dissolve in union


This Union that is no more deliberate

than exiting from the hall of mirrors

after having had our fun, our pleasure

casting shadows, shapes, and distortions


“Throw me a line,” you say,

and I will not refuse to play

in that sacred hall of mirrors

I say, “Throw me a line!”

~ thank you to the Gene Keys community online, friends near and far, visible and invisible
p.s. please click through to the above linked image “hall of mirrors”… did not want to publish a photo that I don’t have permission for, so it’s waiting there for you online on its home site 🙂


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